Saturday, March 21, 2015

Last Day of Service

Today was our last day of service. Saturday, tomorrow, will be our day of fun in DC. Maddie will talk about the first part of our day/Thurgood Marshall, so I'll cover the second part, which was volunteering at Sasha Bruce Youthwork and having a "team dinner", if you will.

The weather today was cold and rainy and very unpleasant, but we all pulled through. Last night at reflection we agreed we would do our best to have the most energy possible for today, and I think for the most part we followed through. We got to Sasha Bruce and met Mrs. Brown, who taught math and science for their Youthbuild program, which essentially prepares the clients for the GED and other skills for entry into the "real world". Ms. Brown gave us a few tasks, mostly organizational things, and we did a lot of sorting and binding and got it done fairly quickly. It was not laborious activity but it was productive.

After a couple hours there we walked in the cold and rain to a bus stop several blocks away to get to dinner very early, and halfway down realized that we left poor Caroline behind at Sasha Bruce because we forgot to do a buddy check! Anyway, the timing with the bus worked out ok and we got to H Street Counry Club, which we had made a reservation for a few days prior, but when we tried to go in we learned it was restricted to 21 and older. Of course, Mandy is the only one that wasn't problematic for, but she somehow persuaded the manager/security guard to let us eat there. The Mexican dinner was delicious and we got an absurd amount of appetizers. Mostly everyone walked out with a takeout container. Afterwards we went to a next door pie place and ordered two pies, but realized about 10 minutes later that we ordered slices ($7 each) instead of whole pies (about $33 each). Thus, we ordered one more slice and had a bite of pie each, instead of having a slice each. 
We got back to the house and our incredibly gracious hostess Slauka offered us two whole homemade pies.

Then we did reflection and explored the Active Citizen Continuum and played Touch Someone Who, both of which were enjoyable. Overall the day was satisfying, and most of us aren't quite ready for the trip to be over (or to clean the whole house tomorrow morning). 


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