Community Partners

Check out the community partners we will be working with this spring.

Lao Gai Museum
Established by the Laogai Research Foundation in 2008, the mission of the Laogai Museum is to document and expose the Laogai System, China’s vast and brutal system of forced-labor prison camps.  It preserves the memory of the Laogai’s victims and raises awareness about the ongoi ng abuses of the Chinese Communist Party against its own people. The museum style is bold, modern and engaging; it includes video interviews, short documentaries, Communist Party documents and prison artifacts. With free entry, self-guided tours, and bilingual signage, it is an ideal museum for visitors from the US and abroad who are interested in DC’s role in international advocacy, as well as DC residents seeking to hear an alternative voice about China.
For More Info:

Founded by Andrea Powell and Caroline Tower Morris in 2003, FAIR Fund was created to empower girls in the U.S. and around the world who have been forgotten, exploited or otherwise are at-risk of not reaching their potential. FAIR Fund is now FAIR Girls. FAIR stands for Free, Aware, Inspired, Restored – this is exactly what we hope the girls we work with will become. It is a name that reflects our ongoing commitment to providing girls around the world the chance to live happy, healthy, empowered lives. FAIR Girls currently operates programs in Bosnia, Montenegro, Serbia, Russia, and the United States. The FAIR Girls home office in Washington, D.C. offers compassionate care to prevent the exploitation of all girls, with a special emphasis on girls who have experienced homelessness, life inside the foster care system, sexual abuse, and trafficking.
For More Info:

Vital Voices Global Partnership
Vital Voices Global Partnership is the preeminent non-governmental organization (NGO) that identifies, trains and empowers emerging women leaders and social entrepreneurs around the globe, enabling them to create a better world for us all. They are at the forefront of international coalitions to combat human trafficking and other forms of violence against women and girls. Their international staff and team of over 1,000 partners, pro bono experts and leaders, including senior government, corporate and NGO executives, have trained and mentored more than 14,000 emerging women leaders from over 144 countries in Africa, Asia, Eurasia, Latin America and the Caribbean, and the Middle East since 1997. These women have returned home to train and mentor more than 500,000 additional women and girls in their communities. They are the Vital Voices of our time.

Calvary Women
Calvary Women’s Services offers housing, health, employment and education programs that empower homeless women in Washington, DC to change their lives. Their mission is to achieve excellence in what they offer: a safe, caring place for tonight; support, hope and change for tomorrow. Programs include transitional and permanent housing, personalized case management, life skills and education opportunities, job training, health and wellness services, on-site therapy and daily addiction recovery meetings. Calvary believes every woman has the strengths and gifts she needs to be successful.

Courtney’s House
Courtney's House fearlessly searches for children who are being forced into prostitution on the streets, in brothels, strip clubs, private homes, and hotels, embraces the rescued children and brings them into a safe environment where they and their families can heal, recover and develop hopeful, dignified and influential lives, and trains community officials and creates awareness of the reality of sex trafficking in neighborhoods across America to help stop the crimes from happening.

Shared Hope International

Shared Hope International strives to prevent the conditions that foster sex trafficking, restore victims of sex slavery, and bring justice to vulnerable women and children. We envision a world passionately opposed to sex trafficking and a committed community restoring survivors to lives of purpose, value and choice – one life at a time.  Shared Hope International was established to provide hope to the hopeless women Washington State Congresswoman Linda Smith found enslaved in the brothels of Mumbai in 1998. Our early efforts targeted the international sex trafficking industry.  As we became established leaders in the international movement to end slavery, our eyes were opened to the scourge of sex trafficking in the U.S. We could not ignore this injustice and expanded our impact to bring hope to American women and children victimized in the commercial sex industry. Today, we lead prevention strategies, restoration programs and justice initiatives to combat trafficking in the U.S. and abroad. 

Thurgood Marshall Academy 
Thurgood Marshall Academy is a college-preparatory public charter high school located in ward 8’s historic Anacostia neighborhood. The school upholds Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall’s legacy of equal opportunity through our commitment to providing an excellent education for all students. Opened in 2001, Thurgood Marshall Academy prepares students to succeed in college and instills in students an understanding of democracy and advocacy for themselves and for others. Thurgood Marshall Academy serves nearly 400 students annually, over 90% of whom live in Wards 7 and 8, communities with the most poverty and fewest resources in the District. Almost 100% of our students are African-American and about 75% qualify for federal free or reduced lunch – the education marker of poverty. 

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